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Let's Get Started

Here, you will learn how to sign up as an Admin, and set up merchant profiles and configurations. If, after reading through this training documentation, you have additional questions please feel free to reach out for assistance.

1. If you have been granted Administrator access you can log in at: https://cocardagent.enrollandpay.com/ 

    • Use your email address and password for login credentials
    • Click the Admin tab on the left sidebar and you will be directed to the configuration options.

2. Click Configure representatives and then new representatives 

  • Fill out all fields
  • Click Merchant Admin and Sales in the bottom tabs then Save
  • You have now successfully set up an agent in your coalition portal

3. You have been successful if you see this sample screen.

  • Your agent will receive a confirmation email
  • At this point they can access their account using the temporary password and start to board merchants

Sample confirmation email